Registered Patent Attorneys Help with IP
Dependable Patent Representation
When you have invested the time, energy and resources into the creation of an invention, it is important that you have the protection you need to secure your rights to it. Obtaining a patent ensures that no one else will be able to make, use, sell, offer for sale or import your invention. There are many issues that should be considered before applying for a patent. Therefore, be sure that you seek the advice of a registered patent attorney.
Livingston Law’s intellectual property attorneys have substantial experience preparing and prosecuting provisional, non-provisional utility, design and plant patent applications. We also help you protect your trade secrets prior to applying for a patent through non-disclosure agreements (NDAs). From our office in Naples, we represent clients throughout Florida and across the country.
Provisional Patent Applications
In certain situations, provisional patent applications can be a useful tool for inventors. Once you file a provisional patent application, you have one year to file a non-provisional patent application or your patent rights will be lost. Some inventors might choose a provisional patent application if they need more time to finalize an invention or if they have publicly disclosed an invention and need to protect their intellectual property rights. However, in most cases it is more beneficial to file a non-provisional patent application.
Foreign Patents
The Patent Cooperation Treaty offers a single procedure for seeking patents in multiple foreign countries. If patenting your invention outside of the United States is appropriate, we will help you file an international patent application and manage the process of securing patents in countries where they are available.
Utility Patent Maintenance Fees
In order to keep a utility patent in force, maintenance fees are required to be paid. These payments are due at 3 1/2 years, 7 1/2 years and 11 1/2 years after the issue date of a utility patent. Failure to make one of these payments results in the loss of your patent rights. As part of our service to you, we will calendar and remind you of these due dates, ensuring that your rights remain intact.
Schedule an Initial Consultation with a U.S. Registered Patent Attorney
Livingston Law assists clients nationwide, throughout the state of Florida and Southwest Florida, including Naples, Fort Myers, Sarasota and surrounding communities. Contact our offices today to discuss your questions with a lawyer by calling our toll-free number or send us a message below.

Our Intellectual Property Attorneys Protect Our Clients’ Best Creative Ideas
The Attorneys You Want On Your Side
40+ Years of Combined Experience
Contact us today to discuss your patent questions with an attorney. If you would like to send us an e-mail, simply complete and submit the online form below.